Tomorrow will conclude my worst sub assignment ever.
I took a 3-day job teaching 6th grade at an elementary school. I know what you're thinking. Yes, they squeezed 6th graders into all the elementary schools in this particular area and it is not working out.
Yesterday was the worst subbing experience I've ever had. It consisted of:
- kids not listening to me at all
- students running in and out of the classroom for no reason
- lots of tattling
- physical stuff, mainly pushing and shoving (followed by more tattling)
- kids so out of control two policemen were called to the school
- desks thrown and chairs thrown
- kids refusing to do anything when I yell "PICK UP THOSE DESKS!!!"
- me giving a 10 minute speech to my homeroom kids at the end of the day which resulted in
- me crying in front of all the students.
Yes. I cried. Not because of the disrespect I was shown. But because of the lives these kids are throwing away. They don't care about school or their future. They really don't care about anyone but themselves, and they will suffer greatly for it.
Two girls went and told another teacher that I was upset, and when the teacher walked in I started bawling.
I am not one to show my emotions like that, especially in public. ESPECIALLY in front of complete strangers. But I did.
Today, the kids were a lot better.
Not all of them, but some. I still had to call for an administrator to remove one student from my classroom. (He was the one laughing at me when I was crying while all the other kids were yelling at him to shut up.)
Anyways, I returned to the school today, mainly because I had to, but also because I don't give up that easily.
The teacher in the room next to mine was shocked. "You came BACK!?"
I told her that I don't give up easily and she just said, "God bless you. God bless you."
Tomorrow I return again. I just pray for the strength to love these kids and be firm with them. They need that so badly, as weird as that sounds. They need discipline.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Crying and Clinton
Posted by Katie at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sick Times Three
Did I mention that I am getting over being sick for the THIRD time in a month and half?
This time, the doctor gave me steroids and stronger antibiotics. He also gave me a cough syrup with codeine in it that made me sick. It was a little bottle of evil and I had to lay on the couch for a few hours in the same position until the room stopped spinning.
Anyways, I think the steroid/antibiotic combo is working and hopefully I'll be back to normalish by tomorrow.
I don't think my body gets along with Houston very well. I have never had such horrible allergies.
It kinda stinks that it's Spring Break (and I actually get Spring Break off) and I'm sick. Not that I was planning on doing a lot of crazy things, but I wanted to get out instead of staying inside all day on the couch.
Maybe I can pack all my fun in tomorrow. ;-)
Posted by Katie at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Fun Being Frugal
Posted by Katie at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Yay Middle School!
There was once a time during my college days when I couldn't decide if I wanted to teach sweet and cute little elementary kiddos or sassy and cocky middle schoolers.
Somehow, probably by God's grace, I chose the cocky kids.
I am beyond thankful.
I know that subbing is not like real teaching, since you only get to be the "teacher" for a day most times. I know that a sub job is not really an accurate experience of what the class is normally like.
Still, my two worst subbing experiences have been in elementary schools.
I don't know if it's because I just haven't had experience in an elementary school or what, but they have been terrible.
The first was 2nd grade at an open concept school.
Don't know what an open concept school is? Think of a huge room of office cubicles, and turn the cubicles into classrooms. There are no doors and most walls are about 5 feet high. It's noisy and you don't have much privacy. There are points you can stand at and see into four classrooms at once. It's a very 60's design and it pretty much sucks.
Anyways, 2nd grade was not fun. The kids were whiny and tattled on each other every five minutes.
Today I had a fifth grade class. Even though I was actually certified to teach this particular class (it was math/science and I am certified to teach math/science 4-8), I still felt a little lost.
I think because it was at an elementary school. You have to line everyone up in a straight and very quiet single-file line to go anywhere. Impossible.
The fifth graders I had today were so disrespectful. They would talk when I was talking and kids would get out of their seats whenever they wanted. I even had kids leaving the classroom for no reason at all.
I've never experienced anything so horrible.
I also had recess duty, which made me want to cry.
I got another class for recess and since it was raining outside, they came into my classroom to watch a DVD. Except that the DVD wouldn't work on the computer because it wasn't Windows XP or higher. So we tried a VHS tape. That wouldn't work either. So then the kids decided they want to play a game. They start screaming and yelling and fighting and running. I desperately tried to get things under control but the kids didn't really care since they had no idea who I was. The behavior specialist had to come from down the hall (because the kids were so loud) and straighten them out. She gave them an amazing lecture and they sat in silence for the remaining 5 minutes of recess.
I wish I could be that lady. She was my hero.
I gave my class a nice talking to at the end of the day about how horrible they were and how they were representing their school and they should be ashamed of themselves.
I hope that when I have my own class, my students know how to behave when a sub is there. I was truly appalled.
All that goes to say, I love 7th and 8th graders. Most people think I am crazy but I would rather spend a week with them than a day with elementary school students.
Yay middle school.
Posted by Katie at 4:39 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 06, 2009
Do you ever hear a song that immediately takes you back to a different time and place? I'm not just talking about songs that remind you of junior high. I'm talking about songs that seem to transport you to a completely different year, town, season, etc. The lighting seems to change and so does the temperature and even the scent of the air changes. I'm talking about those sorts of songs.

Posted by Katie at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
You've Got to be Kidding Me.
Here I am, sick AGAIN, laying on the couch. For the second day in a row.
How did I get sick again only a month after my horrible puking virus? This time, it's sinus junk. That seems to be the story of my life.
I kind of blame myself, though. I told myself that I was going to use my Neti Pot (well I don't actually use the pot anymore, I bought the more extreme version to use) every day. And I didn't. The wedding was near and I was busy and stressed and I couldn't remember to use it every day.
I'm going to get better at it and then hopefully I won't have another episode like this.
When I'm sick, I become a completely different person. I don't care about washing my face or hair or brushing my teeth. I also want to lay around all day which normally drives me crazy.
I really want to cook dinner for my sweet husband tonight so I'm going to go see if I can do it. We'll see.
Posted by Katie at 6:24 PM 0 comments