Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Life

Two of my friends got engaged today, and I was able to watch. It was so precious and I am so excited for them! Congratulations, Ryan and Erin!!!!

So the Ross King concert was fabulous. I loved being outside at night in downtown Bryan, with a bunch of people of ALL ages. We had old people. We had middle-aged people. We had families. We had college people. We had kids. We had newborns. It was a great concert. I loved it! I am listening to Ross's new CD right now, and it is awesome. So real and honest. And a little controversial. If you listen to it, you will know what I mean. One of my favorite songs on the CD is the song "Fool" - Ross wrote it for his wife, Staci. It is just beautiful.

Today, I saw people being real. I often wonder what a stranger would think if they walked in on our church on Sunday nights. If they would have walked in tonight, they would have seen honesty. They would have seen tears. They would have seen brokenness. We talked about 2 Corinthians 3:5-6:

Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

We talked about new life, and the way that as Christians, we are able to minister to each other and speak life and truth to each other. We talked about finding our sufficiency in Christ. After our pastor talked a little bit about this, he asked to hear from us. Many people stood up and shared what was going on in their lives. They were completely vulnerable and honest. We had people confessing that they didn't know where God was; that He seemed distant. Almost the entire church confessed that they were broken to some degree. We prayed for each other, one by one, and then Ross prayed over the entire body.

I love seeing the church be honest. Be real. Be open. If you can't be honest at church, then something is wrong. It seems that in so many churches, we feel like we have to put on our happy face on Sunday. We put on our best outfit, put on a smile, and pretend like everything is ok.

What is wrong with us?????????

It just makes me sad that there are so many broken people walking around in the church, and no one knows.

I could talk a lot about this, but I need to get ready for bed.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful week.
