Monday, January 28, 2008

No More Parenting Magazines!

Apparently, my fans are getting upset because I "don't blog anymore". Let me clear this up: I do blog. Just not as often. And it's not because I don't want to, it's simply because I haven't had much time. And sometimes I just don't feel like writing. I am aware, however, that it has been about two weeks since my last blog, which is horrifying. I will strive to achieve higher standards with this blog.

Today I had my last day babysitting for my pastor. I have been babysitting his three precious children on a regular basis, but our schedules clash this semester, so I won't be able to continue babysitting for them. I am sad, but I can't do anything to help it. They are at the cutest ages, too: 5, 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 months. Adorable! The youngest started laughing today because I discovered that she is very ticklish on her tummy. She has the cutest toothless smile! I bet that even someone who is repulsed by children would fall in love with her.

The children were very good today, and I ended up staying until 3:00. This is significant because it means that I had to put them down for a nap. Now I have put Ella down before - she loves her sleep and goes to bed willingly. Aiden, on the other hand, normally waits for his dad to put him to sleep. Since neither of his parents were home today, I had to make sure he went down for his nap. Well, that part went okay, but it was the staying down that was the problem. He got up four times in an hour and a half to go to the potty, and to let me know that he was hungry and couldn't fall asleep. It was funny being on the "adult" end of the situation this time. I vividly remember being the child who couldn't go to sleep. I didn't know exactly what to say to Aiden, and I tried to rack my brain for the words my parents told me. I couldn't remember what they would say when I couldn't sleep. I came up with this response: "Sometimes you just have to lay there for a while."

Lame, I know.

He never went to sleep, because his mom came home.

So yes, my days of reading parenting magazines are over. It's an inside joke Austin and I have... it's true, though - I do read them when I babysit. I am learning how to translate different baby cries. I kid you not. When a baby cries and sticks their fingers in their mouth, it means they are hungry. When they cry with loud shrieks and sound almost like they are coughing or gasping for air, they probably need to be put down for a nap.

Not only will I no longer read parenting magazines, but I will not be asking kids what they want for lunch.

"I'll give you three choices: you can have chicken nuggets, pasta or a hot dog."

Instead of spending my time with young, well-behaved children, I will be spending 16 hours each week in a 7th-grade science classroom with hormonal, pubescent teenagers.

Fun times.

I am also slightly worried because my mentor teacher does not know who I am. I emailed her and she didn't know that I was coming. I was under the impression that all the mentor teachers were expecting the methods students. Well, I am going to show up before 8:00 am tomorrow whether they want me there or not.

I am excited about my methods placement. I was reluctant at first to pref 7th or 8th grade, since I have been observing 5th grade students and liked it a lot. But I need the experience. I got 7th grade, which makes me excited because my sister Christina is in 7th grade. I bet she will be learning the same stuff at the same time. I will call home and we can discuss decomposition or acid-base reactions... whatever it is they learn these days.

Oh yeah, and it's interesting that I got science because I don't remember putting that down on my pref sheet. I distinctly remember writing "math" because that's what I want to do. Or, rather, wanted to do. It's funny because God has been changing my heart. Slowly, He is opening doors and causing me to consider teaching science. When I think about it, it makes sense: I love science. I had the best chemistry teacher in England (it's true, she won an award). I have a picture of myself when I was younger trying to perform some sort of science experiment. Maybe I will be a science teacher. You never know.

And that's what excites me: I don't have a darn clue what I am doing in the future. I don't know where I will student teach. I don't know where I'll be over the summer. I don't know what will happen after I graduate. But I don't mind, really. My hands are open to the Lord and I surrender myself and my life to Him. I want Him to use me in any ways that He wants!

This weekend will be fun. Me, Carolyn, Nana and Austin are going to Denton to watch Kellie perform in "High School Musical". She is going to play Sharpay, and annoying, bossy brat from the musical. Kellie is very talented, and I'm really excited about seeing her in it!

I just saw pictures of Ashley's new haircut. I wish my hair did stuff like that! It's adorable. I miss that girl so much. :-(

I must leave you all now because Carolyn needs to be picked up from class. What day of babysitting would be complete without a soccer-mom-esque-pick-the-kids-up-from-school run???

Enjoy this week. It's warming up!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Night to Myself

I think I may be the only person in College Station who can’t wait to start classes this semester. I think most of that is due to the fact that I haven’t really started classes yet. I guess I technically started tonight, but what was supposed to be a three hour long class only lasted for 30 minutes. And I didn’t even get to experience that much of the actual class, due to the fact that Austin had left his backpack at my house and needed to meet with a group for a project. Therefore, I had to run to give him my house key so he could get it, and I got back to the classroom 10 minutes after the class had started. I didn’t mind, and since I found $13 on the ground on my way back, it made the whole situation even better.

Tomorrow I get to wake up at 6, and have four 1 ¼ hour long classes with the exact same people until 5:10. I’m so excited! I love the people I have class with. We goof off and probably act more immature than the middle-school children we will be teaching in a year or so. We especially like to color and giggle at stupid stuff. Occasionally, we have experiments involving colored candies, and we will sort them into piles according to their color and then eat them depending on which ones are our favorite. Being an education major is a lot of fun. I won’t lie.

On Friday, our three-day weekend starts. Technically, it’ll be a four-day weekend (maybe even five) for me. I don’t have classes on Monday or Friday, and since I haven’t been placed in a school yet, I shouldn’t have anything on Tuesday either. A bunch of people are going to go out to Austin’s farm again. I’m really excited. It’s supposed to get really cold on Saturday night – down to 26! – and so that means we can make a big bonfire and roast yummy vanilla marshmallows from Williams-Sonoma. Sorry, but Austin’s mom sent me some yesterday, and I can’t wait to eat them!

Hugh Grant is so funny. I am watching Notting Hill, and he makes me laugh! It would be a lot better, however, if I had someone here to watch the movie with me. I’ve been rather bored the past few days. And poor Austin has a horrible schedule, so it’s hard to see him during the day.

Even though I already ate dinner, I feel like making pancakes. I’m very alone tonight. I don’t mind so much, but it would be nice to have someone to hang out with. Sadly, though, it’s already 8 o’ clock and I have to wake up early, so I wouldn’t even be able to hang out for very long.

I think that now I’m going to put my laptop down and watch the movie. Maybe make some hot apple cider or peppermint hot chocolate.

Wish you were here!


Monday, January 07, 2008

I Need to Get Better at This...

It's been quite a while since I last wrote. Oops.

I've been soooo incredibly busy this break! It's been really fun and exciting. We moved into our new house 5 days before Christmas, and then spent the days leading up to Christmas day unpacking, sorting and decorating. Christmas was fast, but really fun. Sarah got to come over and spend the day with us, and she cooked an incredible Christmas brunch for everyone, complete with Ebelskivers (?? - they're Swedish pancakes), crepes and hashbrowns. Delish.

The day after Christmas, my family plus Ed and minus my dad headed to College Station to visit Nana for a few days. We got to see my cousin Evan, who is 3 1/2, and my aunt and uncle who live in California. It was a great time to visit, play games and relax. My family headed back to Dallas after a few days, but I got to go to San Antonio to watch the Alamo Bowl. Austin's parents had extra tickets, and so they offered them to me. We had a wonderful time shopping around the city, exploring and watching the game. Apparently, Austin and I were on TV during the game about 6 or 7 times! And once they showed us after a touchdown... ;-) haha! Anyways, it was awesome. After going to San Antonio, I stayed with Austin and his family in Houston for about 4 or 5 days. It was so much fun! I loved spending time with them. We went to Galvaston, hung around Houston, and got to spend time with his aunt, uncle, cousin, and also his sister and brother-in-law. Now I'm back in Dallas, and will be until Thursday.

And that's what I've been up to! I'm sure you were all sooo thrilled to read that lovely summary.

Today I went shopping for clothes for methods. I didn't have a lot of "professional" clothes. Banana Republic was having a huge sale, so I picked up a few things there. I also found a pair of "professional pants" at another store. They fit pretty darn perfectly! And guess what size they were??? 00P. DOUBLE ZERO PETITE! Can you believe that? I pretty much don't exist! Good grief. I am so freakin tiny!!!! I bet I could wear kids' clothes if I wanted.

For Christmas, Kellie took pictures of me and my sisters for my dad. Here are a few that I like:

Me, my sisters and my mom. So beautiful!

Me and Christina - my youngest sister.

Me and Carolyn - the Aggies!
Well, I am pretty much just updating to update. I have nothing really exciting to say. Emma is on TV, and I want to go watch it with my family.
Peace out.