It's Saturday afternoon and I'm here at my [new] favorite coffee place. Austin is sitting next to me with his dad, and they're working on a seminar that Austin's going to be doing with churches in the area. (Know anyone who needs any long-term care?)
I've been having fun drinking hot tea and working on a facebook photo album of our honeymoon pictures. If you'd like to view them, go here.
So let's see. This week I got to sub three times - all at different schools. Hopefully I will be able to sub five days a week from now on. I was just getting started this weeks so things were a little different. I was really excited about my sub job yesterday because I was supposed to do 6th grade math and science. I'm certified to teach those subjects so I was like, "YEAH! I can do this!!" The bad thing was, when I got there, this guy walked into the classroom and said that he could take over, and that I could go work in the library.
Fun, fun.
I didn't know if he was a teacher or another sub, so I thought I should probably trade with him. We traded, and my day was very... well, let's just say that I know why I chose middle school over elementary. (The 6th grade was added with K-5 at this particular school.)
Sheesh! I spent the day having 45 minute sessions with grades K-5. We showed them all the same video about the book fair that's coming, and then we either showed them The Cat in Hat or Holes (depending on their grade). Now, I honestly love Holes, but watching the first 20 minutes over and over again was not so fun.
When I wasn't working with the kiddos, I got to talk to the other librarian. We had a very long conversation about her pet schnauzer. She told me how she wanted to get her a "mate" so she could have the experience of having sex in her lifetime. Not for puppies or anything, but for the pleasure (??) of it. She said that she would let her "have a boyfriend for a while and then get her spayed". She didn't want to deprive her dog of doggy sex. The entire time we were talking I was trying to convince myself in my head that this was a very normal topic of conversation and that it wasn't weird at all. But the truth is, that's just freaking weird. She was a very nice lady, though... I was just weirded out.
I also got told by a first grader that I had "bouncy hair" and one third grader asked if I was a teenager.
Another fun part of the day was when some of the kindergartners started crying because they didn't get a sticker. We gave some stickers out to the kids who were quiet and watched the movie and the ones who were bad didn't get them. So of course we had lots of bawling as we handed them back over to their teacher. The teacher was confused so we explained it and she was like, "Well, if they didn't deserve it..." Haha.
Other than that strange subbing experience, my week was pretty good. I met up with two friends for a ladies' small group on Thursday night, and it was amazing.
Haley has been a friend of mine since freshman year of college, and I've known Stacie for a few years. She married my friend Kurt and they now live in Houston. We had a wonderful time having tea and chai lattes.
I discovered that Kurt and Stacie live 15-20 minutes away, and Haley lives 9 minutes away from me. Seriously. I couldn't believe it!!! Out of all the places that your college friends can move...!!! We all live pretty close to each other and I can forsee lots of hangouts in the future. We went over to Kurt and Stacie's apartment last night and had a blast. We played Nerts (or is it Nertz?) for hours on end and had chocolate fondue. Yum.
I am excited about the ladies' group and I know that many purposeful conversations will come from our meetings.
Things are starting to look up!
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